Research Areas of Interest

Artificial Intelligence Adhoc Networks
Cloud Security Network Protocol Security
Recommender Systems Swarm Intelligence
Fuzzy Logic Web Intelligence
Fake Review Detection Use of AI in Finance
Knowledge Representation Genetic Algorithms
Computer Networks Data Mining
Network Security Intrusion Detection Systems
Deep Learning Cyber Security
Machine Learning Nature Inspired Algorithms
Mobile Ad-hoc Networks Vehicular Ad-hoc Networks
Deep Web Dark Web
Reverse Engineering Neural Networks

Doctoral Research

Traffic Signals and Routing Optimization for Congestion Control in Vehicular Ad-hoc Networks

M.Phil. Research

An Approach to Reverse Engineer an Object Oriented Code into UML Diagrams Incorporating Extensible Mechanisms

Patent(s) Filed/ Published

  1. Date of filing the patent: 10/10/2021, Title: Implementing Blockchain Technology in Automated Teller Machine (ATM) based Electronic Voting Machine, Applicants: Dr. Amit Kumar Tyagi, Dr. Vinita Jindal, Prof.(Dr.) Prashant Singh, Dhyanendra Jain, Amit Kumar Pandey, Dr. Richa, Dr. Shivani Gupta, Shabnam Kumari, Application No: 202141046135, Status: published, Date of Publication: 29/10/2021, Request for Examination date: 06/02/2022.

  2. Date of filing the patent: 23/05/2023, Title: System And Method For Providing Identical Recommendation Information To User Based On Artificial Intelligence, Applicants: Dr. Richa, Dr. Shivani Gupta, Prof. Vinita Jindal, Application No: 202341035680, Status: published, Date of publication: 01/09/2023.

Research Project

  • Minor research grant under Faculty Research Programme (FRP) Grant of the IoE scheme, as Co-PI for the research project of a research grant of 1,75,000/-.

Guidance to Research Scholars

Ph.D. (Completed): 01

  • Dr. Neha Gupta, Explainable Online Intrusion Detection System Handling Class Imbalance Problem. Depatment of Computer Science, University of Delhi (Date of Awarding Ph.D. : Sep 01, 2022).

Ph.D. (In-Progress): 05

  • Ms. Rania Alshikhe, General Information System in specific Spatial temporal data analysis. RMIT University, Australia (Date of Registration: Nov 03, 2018).
  • Ms. Richa Gupta, Design and Development of Efficient Framework for the Detection of Fake Reviews. Department of Computer Science and Engineering, MRIIS, Faridabad, India (Date of Registration: Feb 15, 2022).
  • Ms. Siya Garg, Design and Development of the novel Techniques for enhancing security in a Cloud Environment. Department of Computer Science, University of Delhi, Delhi, India (Date of Registration: Feb 15, 2023).
  • Mr. Nitin Dawar, Use of Artificial Intelligence in Security. Department of Computer Science, University of Delhi, Delhi, India (Date of Registration: Oct 23, 2023).
  • Mr. Ningyao Ningshen, Use of Artificial Intelligence in Finance. Department of Computer Science, University of Delhi, Delhi, India (Date of Registration: Oct 23, 2023).

Supervision of MCA projects (IGNOU) :      03

Supervision of PGDCA projects (IGNOU):  10

Supervision of BCA projects (IGNOU):        01

Supervision of B.Sc. (H) CS projects (DU): 25

Academic Project Done During MCA

  • Position:                 Analyst and Designer
    Period:                   July 2000 - December 2000
    Team Size:             1
    Methodology:         System Analysis and Designing
    Language:              C
    Operating System: Windows 95
    Hardware:              Pentium
    Status:                   Completed